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2024 Ediscovery Innovation Report

See how nearly 300 partners, general counsels, and litigation support professionals feel about the current state of the legal industry, and how they’re thinking about the generative AI era in this new report from Everlaw and ACEDS.

2024 Ediscovery Innovation Report Thumbnail
Key Findings from Everlaw and ACEDS

Generative AI adoption numbers outpace those of other tools

The conversation surrounding generative AI doesn’t mean much unless people are actually using it, and the adoption numbers gathered from this year’s results show that they definitively are.  Legal professionals are recognizing the inflection point facing the industry over this technology, and want to be proactive about its adoption.

Are you currently using or planning to use generative AI in your legal work?

20%40%60%80%100%34%GenAIAdoption2 yearsCloudAdoption10.7 years24681012Years to AdoptionPercent Adopted
  • GenAI Adoption
  • Cloud Adoption

Legal professionals have a positive outlook on generative AI

Although legal professionals are not considered optimists by nature, based on our results, their outlook on generative AI shows they’re generally excited about the technology, and the majority of respondents have a positive attitude towards the proliferation of generative AI.

What is your attitude toward the proliferation of generative AI?


Early cloud adopters are also first to embrace generative AI

Although it might come as no surprise to some, the divide between different camps of ediscovery software deployment has bled into a divide between those who are embracing generative AI and those who remain skeptical about its potential. Our results show that those with their ediscovery software deployed on the cloud are over six times more likely to be actively using generative AI in their legal matters than those with their ediscovery software deployed on-prem.

Are you currently using or planning to use generative AI in your legal work? Segmented by ediscovery software type.

23%39%6.5%6.5%11%1%4.5%6%2.5%Cloud68.5%Hybrid18.5%On-prem13%Using GenAI34%Planningto use GenAI56%Not planningto use GenAI10%

The legal profession is not prepared for generative AI

As was the case with last year’s survey, legal professionals still feel the industry isn’t prepared for the impacts of generative AI. Over two-thirds of respondents feel this way, which is only a slight improvement over the previous years’ results.

How do you feel about this statement? The legal profession is prepared for the impacts of generative AI.

1%10%21%56%12%Strongly agreeAgreeNeither agree nor disagreeDisagreeStrongly disagree